
Boat Loads of Boots!!!

Pin It I'm getting emails from every clothing store that I am subscribed to online saying that their fall boots have arrived!!! I feel like summer just started but I guess it's almost coming to an end... (tear) Fall will be here before we know it. Check out the boot's that are catching my eye and hinting they would fit well in my closet.

SOOOO cute with printed socks!!

Strawberry, Bacon, Candied Pecan Salad with Honey, Garlic & Red Wine Vinaigrette

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Okay...I'm not trying to toot my own horn or anything...but this salad is gosh-darn AMAZING! I made this salad a few weeks for the 4th of July party I went to and it was a big hit! :-)
***You will be making candied pecans, bacon bits and honey/garlic balsamic vinaigrette.***

P.S.---obviously I love spinach, feta cheese and red onions because I use them in almost about everything I eat, if you don't try substituting your favorite's!

Strawberry, Bacon & Candied Pecan Salad

First: The Candied Pecans
1.Just add sugar and pecans to a non-stick pan, I like to add a little butter too. Just turn the heat to medium  and let it simmer until you see the sugar caramelize in the pan---I used about 1 1/2 cups of pecans
2. Lay down some foil and coat it with butter or non-stick spray and spread the pecans on the sheet.
3. Let them sit for 5minutes and harden-Voila! Finite!

Second: Bacon Bits
1. Just make bacon the same ol' way you usually do...but let it cook about a minute longer to make it extra crispy---I used about 4 pieces for a large party size salad.
2. Chop them up into pieces, yummy and crispy!

Next: Honey, Garlic & Red Wine Vinaigrette
1. 2 cloves of garlic roughly chopped + 1/2 cup red win vinegar + 1/2 cup honey + 3/4 cup olive oil
(the raw garlic makes it kind of spicy but I love it!)

Finally: THE SALAD
Add all these elements on top of fresh spinach, sliced strawberries, crumbled feta cheese & thinly sliced raw red onion. For the final deliciousness--- I made it as a side dish but you could also add grilled chicken to the salad for more filling meal.

Red Pepper & Feta Cheese Chicken Sandwich

Pin It Now that I live alone, I am pretty good at coming up with random concoctions with the last ingredients hanging out in my refrigerator. I made up this sandwich a while ago and when I am feeling like I need something really yummy and comforting I make this, you should try it!

Red Pepper & Feta Cheese Chicken Sandwich---(Gluten Free Version):

  • Udi's Hamburger Bun  (my GF saviors!) Toasted!!!
  • Chicken breasts
  • Feta Cheese 
  • Roasted Red Peppers (Trader Joe's from a jar) 
  • Baby Spinach
  • Grilled Red Onions
  • Mayo
I mean really...the hardest part of this meal is grilling the chicken and toasting the bun. Try it out...would probably be great with beef or a portabella mushroom for you veggie heads!

Bouffant & Some Mixin' Prints

Pin It I'm flying high with this bouffant!

Go Bare?

Pin It I think this will be my slogan..."When you can't decide on a pair, just go bare!" teehee! #shoeproblemz

Phone Apps for Staying Fit & Healthy!

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So I decided to do a post on (free) iphone apps that I have read about, been told about and use. I find them helpful and encouraging for on the go fitness and health! Check them out!

1. My Fitness Pal- good for logging your diet and exercise. 

2. Nike Training Club- Like having a personal trainer right in our hand! SUPER cool!

3. Fooducate: This is pretty cool because it allows you to scan a food's barcode and the app gives it a grade and suggest better options. Click here!

4. Daily Ab Workout: If you feel like focusing on your abs but are having trouble doing it on your own, this app has 5min., 7.5min and 10min. video's for you to follow.

5. Fitness Buddy: This app is great for logging your workouts, kind of like my fitness pal but more for fitness and not so much food. You can log your routines from day to day.

6. PANDORA: Also....I am sure you already have the Pandora app and if you don't...GET IT ALREADY, it's FREE!!! When I am not taking classes I like to use this app and put it on a "Workout Radio" station. It's upbeat and includes music you probably wouldn't have hanging around in your itunes! Like this song...CLICK ME!

American Girl Short

Pin It Soooo the 4th of July is Wednesday and I have been wanting to make my "American Girl" shorts for a while now. So I crank up my theme song (click here) bust out my crafting supplies and make em'! See pictures below of the process.

DIY: "American Girl" Denim Short

Scarf Print Dress

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Tonight I am having drink with my best friends, I like to call is our "Lady Date Night." I think this outfit can roll over into going out, casual. Have a Wacky :) Wednesday.

Jillian Michael Abs? YES PLEASE!

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Beach trip is about 4 weeks away...I will be trying this out! Bikini bod time my peeps! 

If you don't have it already,Women's Health magazine always has great workout and health tips. :-)

Pleated Color Block Dress

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Finally wearing my funky new dress, color block, pleated with a mesh insert. Happy hump day, ya'll!

Sailor Girl

Pin It Tuesday, June 19th. My nephew's birthday!!

Today I am a little sailor girl in my high waisted shorts, striped cold shoulder tee, gold leaf sandals and floral jewelry. Alright...a super girly sailor.

Epson Salt Goodness

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I worked out three days in a row and my muscles are feeling pretty sore. My favorite thing to do is take a bubble bath with a little added epson salt....It works but I didn't know why. 

So here is the reason: 

Eases stress and relaxes the body

Stress drains the body of magnesium and increases levels of adrenaline. When dissolved in warm water, Epsom salt is absorbed through the skin and replenishes the level of magnesium in the body. The magnesium helps to produce serotonin, a mood-elevating chemical within the brain that creates a feeling of calm and relaxation. Research shows that magnesium also increases energy and stamina by encouraging the production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the energy packets made in the cells. Experts believe that bathing with Epsom salt at least three times a week helps you to look better, feel better and gain more energy. Magnesium ions also relax and reduce irritability by lowering the effects of adrenaline. They lower blood pressure, create a relaxed feeling, improve sleep and concentration, and help muscles and nerves to function properly.

Read more about Epson Salt and it's benefits, HERE!

Saturday's Accessories!

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I was standing with my arms crossed when my friend Casey said that I needed a picture! I bought these rings over the weekend, a little different to get used to but I love them!!