
"FAA" - Facebook Addict Anonomous

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About 3 weeks ago, I was at Starbucks with my friend Casey when I realized I was looking at my phone "Facebooking" while she was talking to me. HOW RUDE! I was appalled by my stupid behavior and disabled my account right at that very moment. I was finding my obsession a little ridiculous. I shouldn't be wasting my time focusing on other people's drama or ridiculous status' (OMGawd...did you see what SHE said?!?!) I am about to graduate college and need to get my priorities straight which I thought makes sense completely...

BUT...instead, I have been being harassed and nagged on about how much I am missing out on or how much someone else is missing me. Come on people! I enjoy Facebook and did have withdraws the first few days without it but certainly found other, more important things to do. I Googled "actual Facebook addictions" and found this, amongst many others :
"Facebook gives a sense of self worth."----ohhhh GEEZE!

Here is a video of my roommate being "worried about me" not having a Facebook. I was obviously just trying to capture the conversation. Listen to the ridiculousness and enjoy!


Look my friends, I will have Facebook again when I have time. Capish? 

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